Wypadki Na Chodnikach


New York City is made up of five boroughs – Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island, which together have 12,750 miles of footpaths. There are many reasons why accidents happen in the city. The most common causes are:

  • Faulty design : When a sidewalk has been poorly constructed, there is a greater chance that it will be uneven and that there will be holes or cracks that may cause stumbling. The New York Department of Transportation sets out the rules for building sidewalks.
  • Snow and ice: Winter, snow and ice that forms on pavements should be removed quickly. In cold weather, accumulated snow can harden and create a slip and fall hazard.
  •  Poor Maintenance: Sidewalks require constant maintenance. When the owner or the city does not maintain the sidewalks on a daily basis through ongoing repairs and rubbish / debris removal, it exposes pedestrians to the risk of falling. An example of the lack of proper pavement maintenance is letting tree roots protrude above the pavement. Roots that are not trimmed endanger the safety of pedestrians and can warp the pavement.
  • Construction accidents : Given the number of building structures in New York City, passersby may be struck by building material or equipment that has fallen from a height. Recently, a woman was injured by an electric saw that fell out of the hands of a construction worker. Also, the basements under the sidewalks, especially near shops, are used as warehouses. Also, a passerby in East Harlem recently fell into such a basement and suffered severe head injuries. Under New York law, a property owner or tenant may be held liable for the safety of the footpaths. The city inspects the basement doors to see if they are damaged, bent, or wobbly.
  • Liability for accidents on sidewalks: Tysiace przechodniow odnosi obrazenia w wyniku potkniec, poslizgniec i upadkow. W 2003 roku w miescie Nowy Jork odpowiedzialnosc za niektore wypadki na chodnikach zostala przeniesiona z miasta na wlascicieli budynkow polozonych przy chodnikach. Najlepszym sposoben dla wlascicieli posesji od uwolnienia sie od odpowiedzialnosci jest upewnienie sie, ze chodnik jest w dobrym stanie I usuniecie wszystkich usterek I defektow. Miato Nowy Jork jest ciagle odpowiedzialne za niektore chodniki. Na podstawie paragrafu 7-210 Kodeksu Administracyjnego Nowego Jorku wlasciciele nieruchomosci sa potencjalnie odpowiedzialni za obrazenia odniesione przez przechodniow spowodowane brakiem utrzymania chodnika w bezpiecznym stanie. Uszkodzone chodniki oraz nieusuniecie sniegu, lodu, czy smieci i gruzow we wlasciwym czasie moze przyczynic sie do powaznych obrazen iwszczecia sprawy za obrazenia odniesione w wypadku.

Zatrucie olowiem jest niebezpieczne dla kazdego, niezaleznie od wieku. Jakkolwiek mlodsze dzieci sa bardziej podatne na szkodliwe skutki uboczne, poniewaz ich mniejsze organizmy nie sa w stanie tak samo zwalczac trujacych substancji. Wedlug Centrum Kontroli i Zapobiegania Chorob, wiecej niz 5 mikrogramow olowiu  na decylitr we krwi dziecka moze spowodowac zatrucie olowiem.

Wykrycie zatrucia olowiem jes trudne bez pomocy lekarskiej . Jakkolwiek powinienes byc swiadomy o nastepujacych objawach, ktore moga wskazywac na zatrucie olowiem:

  • znaczna i nienormalna utrata wagi
  • utrata apetytu
  • zatwardenia
  • problemy z koncentracja i uwaga
  • nietypowe zmeczenie lub nadpobudliwosc
  • zaburzenia nerwowe

If you or a loved one suffer from these symptoms, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. If your doctor determines it is lead poisoning, you should contact a solicitor as soon as possible as you may be entitled to compensation.


If you or your child has been poisoned by lead, you may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, loss of quality of life, financial difficulties, etc.

Kenneth A. Wilhelm’s experienced attorneys help you better understand your rights. You can call us 24 hours, 7 days a week 1-888- ACCIDENT (1-888- 997-2335) or 212-545-7373.