Falls of ladder in construction
Since a fall accounts for the highest number of injuries on construction sites, construction injury lawyers in New York tend to see more of these cases than others. The stairs in the sites are especially dangerous areas which can cause serious injuries. Often, these stairs are compromised in some way.
Ladders at construction sites are often used by workers as a simple and quick way to move between floors. After all, in general, there is no elevator in its place; in unfinished structures that are only operable nearing completion, and in buildings that require extensive reconstruction that may not be safe. Moving a scaffold from the fifth to the fourth floor, you just have to make some subsequent checks would take too much time, some construction workers could argue.
The stairs are among the most dangerous places on construction sites
However, few places in a site have more potential to cause injuries. Heavy foot traffic can lead a worker to accidentally collide with another. The handrails may be damaged or absent. A worker leaning on a cracked rail can easily fall. The transport of all, but the lightest of tools and materials can be dangerous too. A worker carrying a heavy toolbox can lose his balance and fall down the stairs. Lighting on construction stairs may be inadequate, too. OSHA standards require a minimum of 5 light candles, but contractors can not fully apply the standards. The steps can be filled with garbage, debris or tools that cause workers to stumble.
Similar dangers are lurking on the stairs in demolition areas. Indeed, the fact that a building is planned for general destruction suggests that it is important in poor condition. Broken steps, damaged pipes and compromised foundations can all lead to worker injuries.
OSHA and ANSI have put in place specific regulations for demolition zones. The workers must be fully trained. Those who actually place explosives are required to have a thorough knowledge of the engineering principles that apply to demolition. The security team has to be carried at all times while on the site.
Injuries resulting from falls from stairs
In any case, injuries occur, and frequently. The most common are also in many cases the most serious. A fall down the stairs can cause permanent damage to the spine, leaving a worker unemployed in his field. The head, neck and brain injuries are frequent too. Other potential injuries include broken ribs, arms, legs or hips, crushed / damaged organs, and wounds.
Preventive measures such as safety training and inspection of the stairs before each shift can help ensure a safe workplace. However, no amount of preparation will completely eliminate the risks of injury. When an injury occurs, it is important to meet with a New York construction injury lawyer to discuss one’s options.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a personal injury accident in New York, personal injury lawyers with experience in Kenneth A. Wilhelm’s legal office can help you better understand your rights and legal options. Please contact us at 1-800-WORK-4-YOU (1-800-967-5486) for a free and complete consultation. We can also help with personal injury cases in New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, or Florida. If you have been seriously injured in any of the 50 states of the United States, please call us and we will try to help you with your case.:www.WORK4YOULAW.com