Trucks in the event of a rollover

Few vehicles have a poorer safety record ranging from 15 passengers. In fact, the propensity to roll over is so dangerous that 80% of van rollover accidents result in death. And when death does occur, it is often multiple victims. The legal issues of a rollover van can be complicated, and a New York rollover attorney can help you understand your rights in the wake of such an accident.

15-passenger vans are so dangerous that the federal government has enacted laws that prohibit the transport of school-age children in them. This, unfortunately, does not save unsuspecting adults from its use for day centers, youth and adult centers, 4-H and YMCA club outings, and sporting events. Imagine your daughter taking a van to an after school soccer game, only to finish a tragic statistic.

Why are vans so dangerous?

Many New York attorneys argue that what makes a 15-passenger van so dangerous is a design flaw. They are taller than most other vehicles, and therefore have a higher center of gravity. This makes them unstable, especially when traveling at speeds above 50 mph. Put the truck on a winding or rain-smoothed road, and the risk is even greater. Furthermore, although these vehicles are designed to hold 14 passengers and a driver, studies by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that they are significantly more unstable when ten or more passengers are on board, and are five times more likely to tip over. If the roof is loaded with luggage, the van is little more than a death trap.

Countless incidents of Sunday school boys and Girl Scouts succumbing to van rollover accidents have had little effect on manufacturers who could make design changes. In fact, in 2003, NHTSA issued the Action Plan for 15-Passenger Van safety, but almost nothing has come of it. A stability control system was designed in the 1990s, which has been adopted in Europe, and can help save lives, but US manufacturers have not added it to vans sold here.

Who is at risk?

Mientras tanto, camionetas de 15 pasajeros siguen siendo utilizados para el transporte de las personas mĆ”s vulnerables a las lesiones – los niƱos y los ancianos – con el espectro de un trĆ”gico vuelco inminente detrĆ”s de la siguiente curva en la carretera. Si usted o un ser querido sufre una lesiĆ³n en uno de estos vehĆ­culos, sin embargo, un abogado de vuelco de Nueva York serĆ” capaz de ayudarle en la recuperaciĆ³n de daƱos y perjuicios por los gastos mĆ©dicos, pĆ©rdida de salarios, dolor y sufrimiento. Si se pierde un ser querido, la remuneraciĆ³n por los gastos funerarios, salarios perdidos, dolor y sufrimiento, asĆ­ como otros gastos, puede ser posible.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a New York accident, the experienced personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Kenneth A. Wilhelm can help you better understand your legal rights and options. Please contact us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-WORK-4-YOU (1-800-967-5496). We can also help with personal injury cases in New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, or Florida. If you have been seriously injured in any of the 50 states of the United States, please call us and we will try to help you with your case.