뉴욕 건축 사고 변호사
New York construction site lawyer
The construction site is a dangerous workplace . Occupational Safety and Health Management (OSHA) Every day 650 million people in the US national 25 10 000 2 is said to work at the construction site of a thousand places . The rate of serious injuries is higher than in any other industry . Risks that may arise at the construction site include :
- Fall from high
- Trench ( trench ) collapse
- Collapse of the working platform
- Electric shock
- Unused personal safety equipment
- Injury due to excessive use , repeated movement
Given the dangers of the construction industry, the importance of having a New York construction site accident attorney acting on behalf of the victims of the accident cannot be said . Injuries as well as frequent deaths are the reality of the construction site . People who are injured can be compensated for damage . If a worker dies, the surviving family members may be compensated for unjust death . These compensations consist of financial compensation received from companies or individuals responsible for causing the accident due to negligence .
We can go to your home , hospital , or even work
Kenneth Wilhem Lawyer’s Office assists victims of accidents caused by unsafe conditions by being injured in a construction site accident caused by a poorly managed building or site or by leaving debris on the sidewalk . Injury is often caused by falling from a high place or by falling something from a high place .
We have successfully represented a worker who is illegally staying away from high places on a construction site . As he fell from a height, a steel beam fell on his leg, causing serious injuries . Our office is for him 3 one hundred 37 10 000 5 1 000 576 was found to be fire . Take a look at the comments from this customer or the case posted on VerdictSearch .
Accidents due to improper management
In order to receive damages after this kind of accident, you must prove that there was something dangerous in the building and that the risk existed due to the negligence of the person or company that owns the building . There was an unreasonable risky situation, such as a broken sidewalk, and the landlord or building manager did not make a reasonable effort to fix it and set it right .
Accidents at the construction site
Strict safety rules apply at construction sites . Employers and architects have a legal responsibility to follow those rules and will be held liable for injuries or deaths to workers due to non-compliance . Under the Workers’ Compensation Act, a New York construction site attorney can claim compensation for negligence through a civil action against your employer or a third party .
If the circumstances and circumstances are clear, temporary or permanent cosmetic damage and disability due to injury , lost wages , medical expenses , and compensation for pain and suffering can be obtained .
건설현장에서 인부들이 다치면 현장의 소유주 또는 대리인들에게 책임이 따를수 있으며 직장 상해 보험 청구, 상해 청구, 혹은 두 가지 청구를 다 할수도 있습니다. 소유주 또는 대리인이 안전한 일터를 제공하는데 부주의했다면 피해자는 의료비, 병원비, 잃은 과거와 미래의 임금들, 손실된 수익 능력, 과거와 미래의 통증과 고통, 영구적 상해 등에 대한 보상을 얻을수 있습니다. 귀하가 일하면서 부상을 당했다면 고용주는 귀하의 직장 상해 보험 혜택에 대한 책임이 있을수 있습니다. 직장 상해 보험은 누군가 잘못이 있었다는 것을 증명하지 않아도 됩니다.
공사와 부적절한 소유주 관리로 인한 사고 청구 또는 케이스
고용주들과 소유주들은 보통 상당한 보험을 가진 기업들입니다. 오직 그 개인 혹은 기업의 이익을 챙기는 피고변호사들이 가장 제한되고 적은 보상을 하도록 방어를 하고 있습니다. 자격을 충분히 갖추고 풍부한 경험이 있는 뉴욕 사고상해 변호사는 피고를 상대로 피해자와 피해자의 가족들을 대표할 수 있습니다.
The Kenneth Wilhem Attorney’s Office has the experience to get the medical bills you need to live .
We can help . If you or your loved ones have been in an accident due to someone else’s negligence or fault, please contact us right away for a free consultation . Call 1-800-967-5496 today .
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