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How to Claim Compensation after an Amputation

Amputation is defined as the loss of a body part. Such a catastrophic injury could occur due to an auto accident, construction accident or industrial accident. About 1.2 million Americans are amputees. It can be physically and emotionally challenging to live without a limb or a functional body part. Amputees also run the risk of serious medical complications such as excessive blood loss, shock or infection as well as other adverse health effects.
Above all, an amputation is a catastrophic injury because it cannot be reversed. An amputee can try to live with a prosthetic arm, leg, finger or toe, but they can never return to their Auto Accident Attorney-injury state and perform all the activities they did before the accident.
Usually, accidents that involve a high-speed collision or direct physical impact have the potential to inflict permanent and lasting injuries such as loss of limbs or body parts. Auto accidents such as car, truck, bicycle or pedestrian accidents can contribute to major injuries, including amputation. Work-related injuries where a worker’s body part is severed by malfunctioning or defective equipment such as a saw or a power press machine, are other examples where these types of catastrophic injuries can occur.
Who can be held liable for these irreversible injuries? If a negligent driver caused your injury, then the driver can be held financially responsible. If your amputation was caused by a defective product, for example, the manufacturer of that product can be held liable. An injured victim in such cases can seek compensation for all past, current and future medical expenses, loss of earnings, hospitalization, surgery, physical therapy, pain and suffering, and other related damages. Victims, where applicable, can also claim damages for loss of livelihood since amputations often result in permanent, lifelong disabilities.
If you have suffered such a catastrophic injury as a result of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, please contact the Law Offices of Kenneth A. Wilhelm. We will help you better understand your legal rights and options, and our experienced personal injury lawyers will analyze all aspects of your case and explore every avenue for compensation. Call us today at 1-800-WORK-4-YOU (1-800-967-5496) to find out how we can help you.
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